
can you buy some还是any,can you buy some

some和any的用法口诀 2022-12-27 07:45 985 墨鱼

can you buy some还是any,can you buy some

some用语表示委婉语气的疑问句,希望得到对方肯定的回复。Some people say that shopping is good because you can go with your friends and look at many different things. They call this window-shopping. I don't have any fri

a你现在再干什麽,吃饭还是睡觉You again do any now, eats meal or sleeps[translate] ayou can speak english . thy to 您能讲英语。thy[translate] asome sex 某一性[tra百度试题题目() -Do you havepencin?No. We can buyA. any;someB. some; anyC. some; some 相关知识点:解析A 点拨一般疑问句中用any表示“一些”,肯定句中用some。反馈

Why don’t you buy some flowers for her? 你为什么不给她买些花呢?If you want (some), I’l l give you some. 如果你想要(一些),我就给你一些。any也有“一些”的意思,但它常用在否定句、否在一般疑问句中some是应该变为any 但在邀请中和想的到别人肯定回答时some不用变为any 这样别人才能觉

用some,因为句中应该是想得到肯定回答。在通常情况下,some用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。但特殊情况下,some也可用于疑问句和否定句。比如:1. some用于要视情况而定,在有些问句中,有can时some不一定要变any。只有期望得到对方肯定答复时,some不要变any,而与问句中的can无关,其他情况下一般要变。Can any one reach it?I am sure some

8Can you think of any example of false advertising? The biggest example that comes to my mind is McDonald’s advertisements. Every time I go to McDonald’s, I see pictuSorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different im


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