
ring off造句,bringback

rob sb of sth造句 2023-09-30 14:07 808 墨鱼
rob sb of sth造句

ring off造句,bringback

9.I'd betterringoff now. 我该挂电话了。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(10)差评() 10.Phrasal verb , such as getup, catchupwith , etc. be most useful . 短语动词,像gring off 读音汉语翻译挂断电话例句:He can't get thering offhis finger. 他不能把戒指脱下来。He can't get hisring offhis finger. 他无法指导戒指从手指上拿下来。

ring off造句复制1、I'd betterring offnow.(我该挂电话了。2、If you can still hear the phone ring or the baby crying, you may not really be "OFF" yet.(如果你还Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring. 妈妈会去给你买一枚钻石戒指。And if that diamond ring turns brass, 如果那枚钻石戒指变成黄铜,Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass

类型英语造句1、I'm afraid the gilt of the ring willwear off before long.(恐怕戒指的镀金层不久就会磨掉。2、The bottom line is sewingwear off, filter cloth is worring off造句1、I think I have toringoffnow. 好,我得挂掉电话了。2、Look I 'llringoffnow. 我现在要挂断了。3、I shall never take myringoffmy finger. 我永远不会把

miringoff的中文翻译,miringoff是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译miringoff,miringoff的中文意思,miringoff的中文,miringoff in Chinese,miringoff的中文,miringoff怎么读,发音,例句6. In a minute he"ll be hollering at me for coming in late. 不消一会儿他就会因为我迟到对我大喊大叫。7. I was as tardy as ever for the afternoon appointments. 和以往一

╯﹏╰ 博主:golfy dance fitness 歌曲:Ring Ding Dong 这首歌真的太经典了,基本属于挥之不去的旋律。好久没跳韩国风格的燃脂舞了,这首编舞借鉴和简化了很多原版动作呢!快来试试吧不用的,但要记住高频短语,包括那些读文章经常读到的、做题经常用到的、写作文经常会用到的,而且老师


标签: bringback



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