01-06 320
culture shock翻译大学英语 |
culture shock,cultural shock例子
维基百科这样说‘Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own’大意就是,当一个人进入到一The meaning of CULTURE SHOCK is a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environme
ˋ0ˊ The adjustment process due to culture shock can get better over time, leading to growth and an appreciation of the new environment. Symptoms of Culture Shock Culture shock can produCulture shock is a period of ups and downs a person may experience when moving into a new cultural environment. The process is different for each in
culture shock “culture shock”的中文翻译词典解释固定词组ph. 文化冲击;文化震惊(指处于异族文化生活环境中经受的一种困惑不安的感觉,也作cultural shock) 相关词culture fluid培养液elective culture选择培养gelatine culture明胶培养glasshouse culture温室培养intensive culture集约栽培相似单词shockn. 1.震动;由爆炸、地震等
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标签: cultural shock例子
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