

偶然 英文 2023-12-31 22:34 700 墨鱼
偶然 英文


久而久之as time passes in the course of time with the lapse of time 参考资料:《现汉汉英词典》久而久之英文怎么写沪江词库精选久而久之英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息as time passes 相似短语at no time adv.决不at that time adv.在那时by the time 到…的时候,截至in n

●ω● 久而久之英语怎么说久而久之:over time;Talking endlessly;at the long last;at long last 久而久之[jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī] as time passes回答:久而久之:over time;Talking endlessly;at the long last;at long last 久而久之[jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī] as time passes

>△< jiu er jiu zhi 1.in the course of time; as time passes; over a long period of time “久而久之”的其它翻译词典解释(1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] (3)[日语词典]例他初到高原有点高山反应,久而久之就无所谓了。英in the course of time; as time passes; 国语辞典久而久之[ jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī ] ⒈ 经过相当漫长的时间。引《儿女英

久而久之中文久而久之英文as time passes解析久而久之as time passesin the course of timewith the lapse of time结果一题目“久而久之”用英文怎么说呢怎么翻译? 答案久而久之as time passes in the cours

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