
take into consideration造句,tailor造句

convert造句 2023-09-25 14:05 883 墨鱼

take into consideration造句,tailor造句

take…into consideration 造句:But you should take into consideration that there are different types ofcoils.但是,你应该考虑到有不同类型的线圈。We musttake into consideration造句1.We must take into consideration both cost and time when planning the project. 2.When making a decision, we should take into consider

˙0˙ take sth into consideration:考虑到,顾及competition:比赛;竞赛②句子结构:although后边的这个句子,是一个if条件句,if引导的条件状语从句might have to:可能不得不We have totake into considerationthe parameter of practicality and artistry. 我们应该将艺术性和实用性等因素都考虑在内。While carrying out reform in an enterprise

ˇ▽ˇ 7.These are factors we musttakeintoconsideration. 这些都是我们应当考虑的因素。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 8.What factors does hetakeintoconsideratio结果一题目takeinto consideration该怎么用?请给一个例句答案Yshould take the weather into conderation,意思是:你应该把天气考虑在内相关推荐1takeinto conside

take into consideration造句1、I don't know if theytakeintoconsiderationa mortgage and a car payment," Huipe said. “我不知道他们是否考虑到抵押贷款和汽车的费用。Take into consideration all interactions during the day, with family, work, friends and businesses. 考虑到各个方面,家庭,工作,朋友,交易。Bason: Our star ratings


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