
take a trip的英语,wear英语怎么读

去旅行英语take a trip 2023-08-27 19:18 500 墨鱼
去旅行英语take a trip

take a trip的英语,wear英语怎么读

⊙^⊙ 解析take a trip 的英语翻译take a trip 的汉语意思是:去旅行take a trip 还可以说:1.go on a trip 2.go to travel 3.go on a journey 分析总结。去旅行takeatrip还可以take a trip 英[teɪk ə trɪp] 美[teɪk ə trɪp] 核心词义phr. 去旅行精选例句高考1、Itˈd be fun,after the situation in Europe settles down,to take a trip to France. 欧洲局势

take a trip 的翻译是:去旅行中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语a遮断切除[translate] a来源Origin[translate] a你的爱早已烙印在我的[translate] aBecause you are living in a Take a trip 美英na.旅行英汉na. 1. 旅行1. Mostofushaveplannedtotakeatripup to seeBeijing,and hope to visitChina'sbeautifulcountrysideaswell. 我们中的大部分人

所以take a trip 的相同意思的短语可以是make a trip。三、英语旅行高级句型?Traveling long distance is a trip to test our willpower and to enhance our沪江词库精选take a trip是什么意思、英语单词推荐作旅行相似短语take a trip 作旅行take one's trip out 到…之外作旅行,走出go on a trip 去作旅行a rewarding

take a trip发音意思翻译旅游;去旅行相似词语短语take a dip───泡个澡;去游泳take a sip───尝一口;小啜;喝一小口take a drug───吃药take a hit───遭受take a trip 是什么意思及中文翻译:旅游;去旅行So I want to take you on a trip to an alien world. 我想带大家去一趟外星世界的旅行。You'll also take a day trip out

It is worth while to take a trip abroad.到国外旅行是值得的。Let's take a trip to New York.让我们到纽约去旅行吧。She dreamt of taking a trip and awoke with a feetake a trip 的英语翻译take a trip 的汉语意思是:去旅行take a trip 还可以说:1.go on a trip 2.go to travel 3.go on a j


标签: wear英语怎么读



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