

formal造句 2023-09-24 21:21 791 墨鱼


1、A: I'm veryannoyed atyour disobedience. 2、I ask,annoyed atthe interruption. 3、He seemedannoyed atyour complaining manner. 4、He wasannoyed atthI'm annoyed with you.我生你的气。He was plainly annoyed.他明显是生气了。I was a little annoyed.我有点儿恼怒。It makes me so annoyed.听到有人替我做我的事I was

1. 惹恼怒的:5. intelligent 聪明的| 6. annoyed 惹恼怒的| 7. gorgeous 华丽的,豪华漂亮的2. 感到烦恼的:mixture n混合物| annoyed感到烦恼的| after breakfast在吃过8、The baker went home,annoyed. 9、The beesannoyedthe picnickers. 10、A: I'm veryannoyedat your disobedience. 11、The picnickers wereannoyedby the be

annoyed about sth造句1.She admitted to being easily annoyed. 她承认自己爱生气。2.Mrs. Cross admits to being easily annoyed. 克罗斯夫人承认很容易生气。3.They areannoyed造句1、He got very annoyed with me about my carelessness.我太粗心大意,使他很生气。2、Eat, Kanchi." said Mitthu, rattling the rice ladle over the pot, ann

annoyed(形容词) 恼怒的,气恼的; 句子: 1. He was annoyedto learn that the train would be delayed. 得知火车要晚点,他很恼火。解析:主系表结构,表语为形容词,主语为人:He,annoyed造句1、He wasannoyed to find himself going red. 2、Itannoyed me that I didn't have time to do more ironing. 3、I wasannoyed with myself for giving in so e


标签: male造句



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