

用insist造句 2023-09-24 17:27 644 墨鱼


5. An insult is to be confessed. 一个侮辱。6. You have no right to insult others. No matter who you are. 不管你是谁.你没有权利侮辱任何人。7. Don't take that kininsult. 显示所有例句v. 1. ~ sb/sth 辱骂;侮辱;冒犯to say or do sth that offends sb n. 释义:全部,侮辱,辱骂,冒犯更多例句筛选下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone

网络释义insult 显示所有例句v. 1. ~ sb/sth 辱骂;侮辱;冒犯to say or do sth that offends sb n. 例句下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone Android 体验P C 版必应词典1. Don't insult me! (不要侮辱我! 2. He insulted her by calling her stupid. (他通过称她为愚蠢来侮辱她。除了以上的例句,以下还有一些常用的搭配:- Insult somebody'

≥﹏≤ 2. insult 2. 损害:insulopathic 胰岛素分泌异常| insult 损害| insulting 无礼的insult 双语例句1. insult是什么意思1. Do not insult your friend by lending him mer例如:insult one's intelligence 侮辱某人的智力insult例句分享They were flinginginsultsat each other. 他们互相辱骂。I have never been soinsultedin m

∪﹏∪ 例句:I was prepared to forgive one thoughtless remark, but she kept heaping insult on insult, so I asked her to leave my house. 我本来准备原谅她轻率的话语,而她却1、Bob responded to his insult with a blow.对於他的侮辱鲍伯回敬以一拳。2、That's an insult to students.这对学生而言是一种侮辱。3、Rand, a devout atheist, might

双语例句Forgive me, I don't mean to insult you 请原谅,我并非有意侮辱你。I did not mean to insult you 我不是要故意侮辱你。Buchanan said he was insulted by the j1、It was raining heavily, and then to addinsultto injury, a gust of wind blew away my umbrella.(雨下得很大,更糟的是,一阵狂风把我的伞吹走了。2、She said, "Becau


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