

1879和1946的读音 2023-12-24 18:53 588 墨鱼


>△< 如:“1946年6月30日,东江纵队队员登上美国军舰北撤。”英文翻译:“On the 30th June 1946, members of the Dongji?ang Column aboarded the USA warships to w1946 英美one thousand nine hundred and forty six,一千九百四十六分享单词到:

期间不但创作了《骆驼祥子》等脍炙人口的文学作品,也将中国传统禁书《金瓶梅》翻译成了英文在伦敦出版(1939年,译名为The Golden Lotus,此版是为西方比较权威的《金瓶梅》译本,先后1946 英语读作one thousand nine hundred and forty-six。1946 英语序数词读作one thousand nine hundred and forty-sixth。1946 中文读作一千九百四十六。在线数字英

From On the Third Day(1946-58) 选自《在第三日》​ SIN You are still a child but already your limbs almost deliberately dazzle in the dawning system沪江词库精选1946是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语one thousand nine hundred and forty six 相似单词1946 one thousand nine hundred and forty six 最新单词disimmune

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 在这里她写出了于1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《大地三部曲》等小说,并最早将《水济传》翻译成英文在西方出版。一生著译作品70余部。她病逝后,按其遗愿,Basketball soon became very popular. In 1946, the National Basketball Association came into being. There wer

两个两个数字分开念19 46 就好了,nineteen forty six。给好评哦After Renaissance, form late 17 to the first half of 20 century, the western translation movement contiune improve. the sixth part is showed after the W


标签: 第一的英文



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