
I was shocked that,was shocked

it was such a shock that 2023-12-25 19:33 307 墨鱼
it was such a shock that

I was shocked that,was shocked

⊙▽⊙ She ordered me as if she was my boss. 她支使我,好像是我老板似的。She looked at me as though I was a monster. 她像看只怪物似的看着我。5. I wish thshould 有时表示说话人的感情,如惊奇、愤怒、失望等Why should I go?我干嘛要去?表不满) I was shocked that she should have said such a thing to you.(表惊奇) I am sorry that

___ Galiana was shocked that Hemans went the extra mile to protect the building, on further reflection, he wasn’t all that___.“He’s always been aI was shocked to find a front-page story that was more( )in its nature than it was informative. 问题1选项A. sentimental B. sensitive C. sensational D. sensible

I was struck in the first edition of Transform, Bruce Schneier, the security expert from Harvard University was saying that one of the key problems is tech moves 这是个宾语从句,从that开始引导,意思是我非常失望看到颜料盒已经被损坏了。这里的时态主句是过去时,所以从句发生在过去的过去,所以从句的时态是过去完成时。有

●﹏● “我很震惊(I was shocked),皇马那场的表现是非凡的,绝对的出色,他们很完美的赢下了比赛。”弗格森告诫曼联球员,在老…sports.sina.cn|基于22个网页3. 震惊的分享《I was shocked that she should forget me so quickly. 我很震惊,她竟然这么快就忘记我了。因此,由上可知,如果该句叙述内容与事实相反,或有假设意义,且出现以

≥▂≤ 1. I think he will be all right now. 我想他现在一定好了。will be 表示一定会) 2. That would be his mother. 那肯定是他母亲。would be 表示肯定是) 3. He will sit there hShe was so shocked that she could hardly bring out a word.她大为震惊,几乎一句话也说不出来。4、astonished的


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