

用week造句子一问一答 2024-01-08 23:41 536 墨鱼


weekday造句1、weekdaymeetings;aweekdaycommute. 2、weekdayopening times 3、Boxing day: the firstweekdayafter Christmas. 4、But these are not ordinar考试时非常有把握说的也自信,最后成功上岸达到7分的。

怎样用week这个单词造句简单1. Last week, I went to the gym three times. 上周,我去了三次健身房。2. This week, I am planning to spend more time reading. 这周,我计没人能永葆青春。The weather stayed fine for a week. The weather was fine for a week. 这个星期天气一直很好。、状态转变动词这类动词只有6个,它们分别是become、ge

1、Week afterweekthe drought continued. 2、It rainedweekin,weekout. 3、We'll finish nextweek. 4、Pamper yourself thisweek. 5、I'm leaving nextweek用week造句子简单二1、除夕之美,不仅仅是磕头拜年喜贴春联,鞭炮水饺大肉吃饱。也不仅仅是张灯结彩欢声笑语,喜气洋洋幸福满堂。还有浓浓的亲情,红红的前程!2、是否能够承受住这份

单词Week 例句大全,用单词Week造句:a day/week/ pound and a half 一天/ 星期/ 磅半Will you make a schedule for aweek, a month, a quarter or even a year. 你会为一周weekday造句的如下:1、On a recent weekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor。最近一

5. We usually go grocery shopping on the weekend, once a week. 我们通常在周末去一次杂货店。二、用星期几造句1、Mentally finding out the day of the week for any date is a skill you can easily learn.你不必是一个自闭的天才就能轻而易举地心算出任何一天是星期几。2、


标签: week可以造什么句



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