17、Yes, you must provide those features for expert users. Yes, you must provide support for beginners. 18、SELLER shall provide suitable, competent...
12-19 991
informal造句 |
18、Resurrect" is also a back-formation. 19、This causes theformationof Okazaki fragments. 20、Theformationand excretion of sweat. 21、That spurs pclose formation 【军事】密集队形。dispersed [open] formation 【军事】疏开队形。fighting [battle] formation 【军事】战斗队形。rock formation 【地质学;地理学】岩
formationflying 编队飞行牛津词典The team usually plays in a 4-4-2formation. 这支球队比赛通常排出的是4–4–2阵形。牛津词典He was flying informationwith seven oThe formation of a new political party is in the works. (正在筹备新的政党组织。The soldiers marched in formation across the parade ground. (士兵们排成
(*?↓˙*) formation的造句和例句:1. Flower-bud formation may be affected adversely .反而影响花芽的形成。2. The soldiers advanced in close formation .士兵排成密集队形前进。formation造句复制1、No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused theformationof the ocean basins has yet been given.(对于造成海洋盆地形成的机制,至
1 . They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation . 他们看见15名警察骑着摩托车排成V字形前行。来自柯林斯例句2 . He was单词formation 例句大全,用单词formation造句:Abbe principle of imageformation 阿贝成像原理Abnormal endochondral boneformation 异常软骨内骨形成TheFormationand Ana
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标签: dawn造句
17、Yes, you must provide those features for expert users. Yes, you must provide support for beginners. 18、SELLER shall provide suitable, competent...
12-19 991
系统:ios14.2 方法/步骤 1 点击苹果手机的设置图标。2 点击苹果手机设置界面里的隐私。3 在苹果手机隐私设置里,找到麦克风。4 这里的游戏以王者荣耀为例,在麦克风权限设置界面...
12-19 991
1.定义 文化通常被定义为人类创造和共享的物质和精神财富的总和,以及这些财富在人类社会中的表达和传播方式。它包括了人类的思想、信仰、价值观、习俗、艺术、科技和社会组织...
12-19 991
12-19 991