

Bicycle造句 2023-09-29 18:33 706 墨鱼


╯△╰ 大家好,小芯来为大家解答以上的问题。trader造句简单带翻译,trader这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、trader的工作是非正式的、临时性的,出售的是Trade 交易、买卖,加了er 就成了“经商者”“买卖人”trader。Drive 驾驶,加了(e)r 就变成了“司机“。Port 是港口城市,大量人流和货物进出、通过的地方。如果你有一份身份

∪▽∪ To dream of a horse-trader, signifies great profit from perilous ventures. To dream that you are trading horses, and the trader cheats you, you will lose in trade5、a market stall,trader, day 6、Are you a daytrader, swingtraderor investor? 7、a dishonesttrader, partner, etc 8、SHOULD a freetraderlaugh or cry?

trader造句1、The trader worked hard to get the best deal on the market for his client. 2、The trader studied the market trends and made calculated decisions to mtrader造句八年级上册带翻译1、The trader was truthful and without deceit. 这位商人很可信,童叟无欺。2、Many traders went under during the war. 战争时期,许多商人破

trader英语造句,1、A DB2 Express-C database named daytradr has been created for the day Trader sample application.我们已trader造句1.Thats how emotionally stable a successful trader is.(这就是一个成功的交易员达到的情绪稳定。10.Be an informed trader.(成为一个消息灵通的


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