

lengthen用法 2023-12-24 21:39 687 墨鱼


I need tolengthenthis skirt. 我需要把裙子放长。牛津词典The evening shadows werelengthening 残阳下的影子越拉越长。柯林斯高阶英语词典She began to walk faster27、He gashed his leg on the broken bottle. 28、You want to lengthen your inner front leg. 29、Badly wounded in his left leg, the soldier walked uns

lengthen是一个动词,意思是使变长,变长或延长。例句The tailor was able to lengthen the pants by two inches. (裁缝可以把裤子加长两英寸。The summer days are starti权威造句1. She had tolengthenher stirrup leathers. 她得放长马镫皮带. 来自《简明英汉词典》2. He asked the tailor tolengthenhis coat. 他请裁缝把他的外衣放长些. 来

26、Here is not only to be able to make people relax in the space through different lighting,lengthenthe distance to the bathroom sense. 27、Conventilengthen into的造句和例句:1. The afternoon shadows had long since lengthened into evening and the night air had turned chilly . 下午的阴影是那样长,一直延伸到了傍

╯^╰ 单词length 释义单词释义:长度;篇幅;时间的长短;有…长度的;一节;池长;艇位;马位[更多..] 单词造句8、It is deep enough. She begins to widen,lengthenand shape the trench.(已足够深了,她开始将它扩展、延长并做成想要的样子。9、Ask her tolengthenthe leash, lest yo


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