
take part in,stand for

attend 2023-12-20 13:51 426 墨鱼

take part in,stand for

ˋ﹏ˊ From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English take partto be involved in an activity,sport, event etc with other peopletake part inAbout 400 students took part in the protest.She wtake part in 美英na.参加;贡献网络参与;加入;插身英汉网络释义na. 1. 参加;贡献

[英[teik pɑ:t in] 美[tek pɑrt ɪn] ] take part in的意思、解释take part in 基本解释参加…参与…活动;插脚;厕;预take part in 相关例句ph. 1. Are you going: to take part in or experience something along with others partake in the revelry partake of the good life 2 : to have a portion (as of food or drink) were invite

1. Take part in的基本用法Take part in的基本用法是表示“参加某个活动、比赛、会议等等”。例如:- I'm going to take part in the marathon next month. - Are you goingtake part in和join的区别及例句解析如下:1.take part in + 集体性活动(如讨论、比赛等)并在其中起重要作用。He took part in the football match yesterday.他昨天参加足球

1.“take part in”和“participate in”含义很接近,都有“参加,参与”某项活动,行动,仪式或运动的意思,但后者较为正式,如Mark used to take part in various sports with his fri区别就是take part in是动词take+名词part+介词in短语,为及物性动词短语,而take part 为不及物性动词短语。具体的不同如下take part in中文意思是参加,参


标签: stand for



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