

equal造句 2023-08-23 23:58 356 墨鱼


n.1.亲属,亲戚My aunt is my only immediate relative.我姑母是我唯一的至亲。2.有关的东西3.相对物4.关系词Who, what, that, etc. are relatives.Who, what, that等是关系代词。补30、High relief and shallow relief is relative to the two types.高浮雕与浅浮雕是相对的两种类型。relative翻译n. 亲戚,关系词a. 有关系的,相对的,比较的【医】关系

亲戚如:1.We invited all our relatives to the wedding.我们邀请了所有的亲戚来参加婚礼.2.It is considerate of you to call on your relatives from time to trelative当亲戚中考例句She is relative lack of experience. 她相对来说缺少经验。Supply is relative to demand. 供应要与需求保持一定比例。He showed such concern th

╯ω╰ 1.A relative on the father's or male side only.父亲亲属,男方亲属2."You a relative, Ma'm?""你是亲属,太太? 3.An uncle is a relation.叔叔(舅舅)是亲属。4."Shieldin1、Get a relative to look after the children。找个亲戚来照看这些孩子。2、The fighting resumed after a peri

单词relatives 例句大全,用单词relatives造句:Have you anyrelativesoversea 你在国外有亲戚吗?Family,relatives, or ancestors. 家人,亲戚,祖先。Any friends orrelative2.He showed such concern that people took him to be arelative. 他很关心别人,因而大家都把他当作亲人。3.He opened a store in conjunction with hisrelative. 他和一个


标签: 用relative造句简单



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