

say造句 2023-12-08 17:12 230 墨鱼


⊙▽⊙ 用tell sb sth造句1、I will tell you a story.我会给你讲个故事。2、Tell me your name, please! 请告诉我你的名字!3、I told him my name. 我把名字告诉了他。延伸:tell sb 以下是用tell造句的一些例句及翻译,供大家参考:1.例句:I can't possibly tell you that! 翻译:我绝不会把那件事告诉你的!2.例句:I didn't tell anyone, honestly! 翻译:我

单词Tell 例句大全,用单词Tell造句:launch a blow, a missile, a torpedo, a satellite 发出一击,发射导弹,发射鱼雷,发射卫星A filmtells a story. 电影讲故事。He is 1.tell sth/sb 讲故事,告诉You can tell the story first.I want to tell you.2.tell sth to sb = tell sb sth 告诉My sister will tell the secret to me.You can tell the way

≥﹏≤ tell造句复制1、tellme when you need a breather.(你需要休息时就告诉我。2、tellme what really happened.(告诉我究竟发生了什么事。3、I've got heaps totellyou.(tell造句1、Tell me baby ,tell me why? 2、Tell me tell me what is it. 3、Rivals tell another story. 4、Next, tell me who. 5、I'll tell thee this. 6

1.Never tell me!我才不信呢!2I tell them that I have been to Kunming.我告诉他们我去过昆明。3.Tell me another!]我不信!哪有这种事儿!4 Can you tell me ho用tell造句用1、Don't tell on me! 2、Nevertellme! 我才不信呢!3、I tell them that I have been to Hainan..我告诉他们我去过昆明.©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算


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