

同组词 2024-01-04 16:09 722 墨鱼


例句1:He needs to put more practice into his piano lessons. 他需要更多地练习钢琴课。例句2:The doctor has a busy medical practice. 这位医生有一个忙碌的医疗实践。例句31、practice的例句有:Skill comes with practice. 熟能生巧。She runs a general practice in Hull. 她在赫尔开了个全科诊所。My solicitor is no longer in practice. 我的律师已

>▂< 30、To live is apractice, to correct oneself, topracticeoneself, to change others.1. He strained his back during a practice session. 他在一次练习课上扭伤了背部。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. 拉

单词practice 例句大全,用单词practice造句:abhorrentpractice 令人憎恶的做法He soon abandoned thispractice. 他很快就与这一行当分道扬镳。Hispracticewas absolutely practice 反义词名词theory practice 相关例句及物动词1. He practices early rising. 他经常早起。2. practice是什么意思2. We should practice economy even if we ar

单词practise 例句大全,用单词practise造句:Aspiring musicians must practise many hours a day.有抱负得音乐家每天要练习很多小时。He was a Catholic but didnt practisepractice不及物动词造句1. The practice and doctrines of voodoo. 伏都教义,巫术信仰伏都教的施行和教义2. She never took the veil, but lived and died in severe seclu


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