
in the end简谱,so far away简谱

in the end这首歌很抑郁 2023-09-28 15:44 707 墨鱼
in the end这首歌很抑郁

in the end简谱,so far away简谱

But in the end 最终才看透It doesn't even matter 一切都是徒劳I had to fall 沉沦于此To lose it all 失去所有But in the end 最终才看透It doesn't even matter 一切都是徒国语版《in the end》六线谱简单C调版。主要是为了让入门阶段的吉他弹唱爱好者锻炼弹与唱配合的基础能力。由会员制谱师编配的适合吉他初学者的有大横按简易弹

↓。υ。↓ I tried so hard and got so far But in the end it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter Jung Youth/F简谱宅2022年10月01日更新【经典推荐】《In The End》刘匠精编C调简易版简谱歌谱大图在线免费下载,高清【经典推荐】《In The End》刘匠精编C调简易版简谱图片

曲谱介绍:《In The End》是林肯公园演唱的一首歌曲,由查斯特·贝宁顿、布莱德·德尔森、约瑟夫·韩、麦克·信田、罗伯·巴登作词,查斯特·贝宁顿、布莱德·德尔森、约瑟夫·韩、麦In the End钢琴简谱歌词It starts with one thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter How hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme To explain in due time

正文1 《in the end》简谱歌曲:in the end歌手:林肯公园填词:查斯特•贝宁顿/布莱德•德尔森/约瑟夫•韩/麦克•信田/罗伯•巴登谱曲:查斯特•贝宁顿/布莱德•德尔森/约瑟夫•韩《In the End简谱》由我来了发布,提供In the End的简谱查阅和下载,还提供了In the End相关的其他曲谱制作与搜索。温馨提示:点击In the End正文曲谱图片可以阅


标签: so far away简谱



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