

Happiness的用法和例句 2023-12-24 14:54 837 墨鱼


例句与造句Do you include variants built with suffixes and prefixes ( i . e . do you include'good','ungood','doubleplusungood','goodness','ungoodness','doubleplus24、If the good were related to the bad, thengoodnesswould have in it the seeds of the bad. Then it would not begoodness. 25、On one hand, the objec

These vegetables have had all thegoodnessboiled out of them. 这些蔬菜的营养都被煮掉了。牛津词典Goodness, what a big balloon! 啊,好大的气球呀!牛goodness造句复制1、The happy child at parting thanked him for all hisgoodness.(离别时,那个幸福的孩子感谢了他的好意。2、These vegetables have had all thegoodne

goodness,营养成分、养分(尤其指食物中的营养),美德。goodness也可以作感叹词,用来表达强烈的情感,尤其是惊奇。此时也可以说goodness gracious. 造句:Oh my goodness, what goodness['gudnis] 学习资料[意思]n. 天啊[例]My goodness!天哪!n. 善良,美德[例]Goodness often charms more than mere beauty.美德比徒具美貌更迷人。更多意思参考

24. He keeps extolling her goodness. 他对她的善良赞不绝口。25. He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承认自己错了。26. He thinks the world ca2. Goodness is the only investment that never fails. 善良是唯一不会失败的投资。3. The law of this dual being, man, is religion, whose effect isgoodness. 人的二重

Thank goodness, It is not broken.谢天谢地,它没有破。Goodness invests his every action.他的每一行动都是善意的。Oh my goodness! Are you all right?你没事吗?Beautygoodness knows造句1、They want arcade games and rides in helicopters andgoodness knowswhat else. 2、She ought to pass the exam—goodness knowsshe's


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