
clean the floor,floor

shower 2023-12-01 10:48 936 墨鱼

clean the floor,floor

1、sweep the floor 的意思是:扫地例句:To sweep the floor is my duty every day.每天打扫地板是我的责任。2、c单词clean the floor简介单词cleanthefloor 音标[kliːn ðə flɔː] 读音翻译擦地板点击量522次应用章节人教精通版小学英语六年级上册Unit1 oor

网络扫地;清扫地板;打扫地板网络释义1. 扫地新起点英语五年级下册单词表_百度文库set the table 摆放餐具sweep the floor扫地have to 不得不wenku.baidu|betty: True, I got a week of suspension and had to clean the wall. betty:但我的行为激励了大家踊跃发声!betty: But it gave everyone the courage to s

+﹏+ 1. sweep the floor:这是最常用的表达方式,意思是“扫地”,其中sweep是“打扫,清扫”的意思,the floor是“地板”的意思。2. clean the floor:这个短语的意思也是“打扫地板”,其中cLet's clean the house. 我们一起打扫房间吧。Clean the window with the rag. 用抹布把窗户擦干净。Dust the bookshelf with the duster. 用掸子扫去书架的灰尘。Sweep the fl

clean thefloor发音意思翻译清理地板相似词语短语on thefloor───在地上open thefloor───打开地板clean───n.打扫;adv.完全地;vt.使干净;vi.打扫,清扫;adj网络释义1. 扫地小学英语动词和介词短语_百度文库catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶clean the floor扫地clean the house 打扫房间wenku.baidu|基于32个网页2. 清洁


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