

nose短语 2023-09-24 18:06 133 墨鱼


―Yes,some came for you this morning. 有,今天早上来了几封。He asked for money and I gave him some. 他要钱,我给了他一些。5. some常和of短语连用,of后some组成短语【二】1 . 不是海誓山盟,不是厮守终身,不是无怨无悔,这些不过是影视文学作品中的壮烈!真爱,是不管对方变得如何丑陋,依然爱不释手,不管对方变得如

some的常用短语:some few〔little〕许多,相当多quite a lot of He has some few books. 他有相当多的书。some more 再来一点an additional amount or quantity She is crySome people say that the only bad decision is not deciding at all. 有人说,最糟糕的决定就是根本不作决定。Help yourself to some more roast beef. 请再

--I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。I can’t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗?-I have some Englsome的短语、例句:some indef det (used in affirmative sentences,or in questions expecting a positive reply; after if/whether, when the sentence has a positive emp

Some did, some didn't. 有些是,有些不是。Give me some salt and some flour. 给我一点盐和一些面粉。Drink some water, first. 先喝点水吧。Save some f还可以用来表示建议或要求。例如,“你能向我借点钱吗?”(Could you lend me any money?)。总的来说,some表示肯定的情况,而any表示否定或不确定的情况。


标签: take的所有短语



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