
Letmehelpyou怎么读,let me hlep you

Not怎么读英语 2023-03-31 19:23 166 墨鱼

Letmehelpyou怎么读,let me hlep you

let me help you.让我来帮你把。拼音读法为lai te mi hai ao po you.请采纳好评谢谢Here, Rumei,let me help youwith the bags. 来,如梅,我来帮你放这些提包. 口语例句You can't do it yourself.Let me help you. 你自己做不了. 我来帮你吧. 高二英语口语

3) Let me help you push it. 让我帮你推。4) I can turn it on for you. 我来帮你开。5) Let me carry them for you. 我来帮你提。6) I will help you. 我要帮助你。help oneself 自用;自取所需with the help of 在…的帮助下help someone with something 帮某人干某事help with 帮忙某人做…help each other 互相帮助例句:1.Can you help

ˇωˇ 七下英语知识汇总(二)_浅痕_新浪博客please. 请这边走。Let me help you.让我来帮你。18. So 的用法小结blog.sina.cn|基于96个网页3. 让我来帮助你祈使句面Let me help you. 英美让我来帮助你。分享单词到:

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