
take on造句简单,turn over造句

takedown造句 2024-01-03 16:25 437 墨鱼

take on造句简单,turn over造句

take on造句1. I am willing to take on the responsibility of leading the project. 2. The company decided to take on a new challenge by expanding into internationatake的造句和例句:1. She rose and took a tentative step backward .她起身试探着退了一步。2. Mary took the place of helen as an instructor .玛丽代替海伦当讲师。内

>0< The fashion of skirt didn't take on for some time. 这款裙子很长时间没有人穿了。2、表示承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任)(you take on a job or respons1. If you take on a job or responsibility, especially a difficult one, you accept it. 承担(艰巨的任务、责任)例句:Don't take on more responsibilities than you can ha

1、She refused totake onthe traditional woman's role.(她拒绝承担传统妇女的角色。2、They are not always willing totake onuntrained workers, but there's no harm i单词take on 例句大全,用单词take on造句:It's not some sort of thing that we cantake onboard rather casually. 它不是某种我们可以随随便便看待的事情。Good.'cause I'

2. Her eyes took on a hurt expression.她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情.3. Don't take on so!别这麽激动!4. The bus stopped to take on more passengers.公共汽车停1、What's histake onthe plan? 2、When theytake ondebt, borrowers fail to take into account the effect of their actions on the collateral constraints

take on 承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上;例句:Hes spoken to a publishing company. Theyre going to take him on.他已经跟一家出版公司谈过了。他们将聘1.I will take on a new secretary. 雇用

2.Do not take on more work than you do. 承担,接受


标签: turn over造句



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