

八年级上册英语u1短语 2024-01-04 12:27 313 墨鱼


八年级英语上册Unit1短语初二英语上册短语句型Unit1 Good friends(2013-9-12) 执笔:马赛汉审核:李卉班级学号姓名1.一些喝的东西something to drink 2.再来一些食物some m人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 重点短语1.visited museums参观博物馆2.went to summer camp/ the mountains去夏令营/爬山3.stayed at hom

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 1.quite a few+c.n复数相当多,不少要的东西16.bring back带回quite a little+u.n相当多17.in the shopping center在购物中心相当多q新人教八(上)英语各单元短语汇总(Unit1-10) Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 1.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点= get to地点(n.)= reach+地点(n.) 2.arrive(get)here

∪▂∪ 人教版八年级英语上册Unit1短语句子整理Unit1heredidyougoonvacation? goonvacation去度假stayathoe待在家里gototheountains去爬山gotothebeach去海滩visituseus参观博物馆八年级英语上册重点单词及短语Unit1 1.study at home呆在家2.go to the mountains去爬山3.go to New York City去纽约4.go to the beach去沙滩5.visit my uncle拜访我的叔

八年级上英语各单元重点短语Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1. go on vacation 去度假2. stay at home 待在家里3. go to the mountains 去爬山4. go to the beach 在本文中,我们总结了八年级上册英语unit1中所涉及的短语知识点,包括Adjective phrases、Verb phrases、Prepositional phrases和Other phrases。这些短语在日常英语交流中非常

╯△╰ 人教版八上unit 1必背短语及句子必背短语1. visited museums参观博物馆2. went to summer camp去夏令营3. stayed at home呆在家4. go on vacation度假5. study for tests学Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点单词1.母鸡___2.日记___3.似乎,好像___ 4.精彩的___5.厌倦的___6.在任何地方___ 7.任何人___8.某事.某物___9.没有什么___ 10


标签: 初二英语短句130个



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