
rather than doing sth,rather than连接两个主语

三个的侧重点区别 2024-01-05 20:02 704 墨鱼

rather than doing sth,rather than连接两个主语

rather than的用法1.rather than后面动词用do 和doing。2.rather than后面的动词可以是ing形式,也可以是省略to的不定式形式,所以rather than doing或rather than (to) do。比较"rather than do"以及"rather than doing",也可以看到类似的结果:另一个容易被用错的短语是as well as,它后面必须用现在分词形式,即as well as doing something,比如:(1)She

∪ω∪ 两种都可以,具体区别如下:1.当连接两个不定式时,用的是不定式,如I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.我决定写信而不打电话.注意:rather than 后接1、prefer to do rather than do 是宁可做……而不做,或者是喜欢做……而不做……的意思,而prefer to do sth. rat

One thing that can hold joy back is a person's concentration on avoiding failure rather than their looking forward to doing something well.───一件事会抑制快乐,①Heis more knowledgable thanI (am).【than作从属连词】②Heis more knowledgable thanme.【than充当介词】rather than和than一样,可以充当“介词”,也就

rather than doing sth 是连接两个动名词。

rather than do sth 是连接两个不定式to 省略prefer 后面要接to do 表示喜欢动词后面加不定式很正常rather than 后面要加do 省略to这就是个固定句型需要背下来哦意思是喜欢做某事而不喜欢做另一件


标签: rather than连接两个主语



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