
get in,get in touch on

get on for 2023-08-28 13:29 994 墨鱼
get on for

get in,get in touch on

He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car. 他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼亚上车. 来自《简明英汉词典》12. Real pacification is hard to get in the Vietnamese countryExperience informative step-by-step tutorials right inside Lightroom, and find even more inspiration from the community in Lightroom Discover. Get down to the last detail. Fine-tune

≥﹏≤ get in的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Some companies get in on the act too - bmw run a spoof advert every year . 一些广告也参和了进来宝马Get in最常见的用法是表示进入某个地方或物体。例如,我们可以说:- Please get in the car.(请上车。- The train is about to leave. Please get in quickly.(火车即将出发

The meaning of GET is to gain possession of. How to use get in a sentence. How do you pronounce get?: Usage GuidePrzejdź do strony getinbank.pl/obsluga Solidarni z Ukrainą Sprawdź najnowsze informacje Sprawdź Przez Internet W aplikacji mobilnej W placówce banku Ustawowe wakacje kredytowe

?﹏? get in基本解释get in的近义词到达;收割;当选;插话get in相关例句ph. 1. We mustgetthe doctorin. 我们得请医生来。2. get in 2. The plane gotinon time. 飞机准时get in 美英na.进入;收(庄稼);收集(税收,捐款等);插入网络勾上第三人称单数:gets in现在分词:getting in过去式:got in过去分词:gotten in 同义词反义词v. arrive,show


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