
by means of例句,meanwhile的用法和例句

arouse interest 2023-12-29 07:50 509 墨鱼
arouse interest

by means of例句,meanwhile的用法和例句

26、Promoting the teaching of "two courses"by means of"the resources of red spirit"; 27、Adjust Market Place of Financial Serviceby means ofthe Concby means of造句by means of 造句1.I found the true love by means of the online dating website. 2.I learned to make pizza by means of watching Youtube tutorials

by means of的用法"By means of" is a phrase used to indicate the method or tool used to achieve something. It is often used to describe how an action or result isby means of 读音汉语翻译依靠例句:They succeededby means ofhard working. 他们依靠努力工作而获得成功。He succeededby means ofperseverance. 他是通过坚持成功的。

单词by means of 例句大全,用单词by means of造句:Noise from industrial or commercial activities is controlledby means ofNoise Abatement Notices. 环保署透过消减噪音by means of 利用*He recovered by means of seaair and seabathing.他通过呼吸海边的空气和洗海水浴恢复了健康。They succeeded by means of perseverance.他

by mean of的例句答案They succeeded by means of perseverance. 他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功. 结果二题目by mean of的例句答案They succeeded by means of persever3、by means of linkwork connections it got to the top of the wheel.(通过连接物连接的方式,它到达了轮子的顶部。4、Publication is doneby means of a method configur


标签: meanwhile的用法和例句



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