
用settle down造句,用set down造句

用bitterly造句 2023-09-25 11:32 164 墨鱼

用settle down造句,用set down造句

ˋ^ˊ settle down英语造句,1、Stop larking about, children, and settle down to do your homework.孩子们,不要闹着玩了,静下来做你们的功课。2、One day I单词"settle down" 通常指某人停止行动或使其平静下来。以下是更详细的解释:用法动词短语"settle down" 是一个动词短语,通常用于及物或不及物动词中。例如:I need to se

8、I just relax,settle down, and let go of any tension.(我只要放松,平静,让一切紧张感离去。9、It was difficult tosettle downto anything seriously, with all this 1、Let'ssettle down tostudies. 2、get down to;settle down to 3、Let ssettle down toour work. 4、It's time for me tosettle down tothis work. 5、Witho

One day I'll want to settle down and have a family. 总有一天,我会想安定下来,成个家。He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down. 他厌单词settle down 例句大全,用单词settle down造句:Settle down 定居。静下心来Settle down.Come on! 安静,快点!Settle down. Come on! 安静,快点!All right,settle down

calm down,relax,quiet down,slow down,take it easy 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 定居;成家;移居2. 平静下来;恢复镇静3. 沉淀;沉4. 定下心来;定心去做5. 同“settle”例1. bring down : 指打倒某物或某人。例1:The college students are hell-bent upon bring down the university rules. 大学生一心想要打倒大学规则。2. settle down 有两个意思,

i’m happy he’s finally settled down with a nice girl. 我儿子过去就知道出去玩、聚会。真让人担心!我很高兴他现在终于和一个好女孩一起安定下来了。i’m 1、I want tosettle down. 2、Let'ssettle downto studies. 3、Buy estate andsettle down 4、He'llsettle downquiet enough. 5、get down to;settle downto 6


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