

gatekeeper造句 2023-08-25 12:55 445 墨鱼


Eddie, fresh out of accounting school, went to an interview for a good paying job.埃迪刚刚从会计学校毕业,去应聘一个薪酬丰厚的职位。You get fluid accumulating in8、I had a greatinterview 9、Make yourinterviewgo smoother. 10、Theinterviewwas pre-recorded. 11、An on-the-spotinterview 12、So you aced theinterv

造句大全查询interview造句子1、He asked for aninterviewwith the president、他要求与校长会晤。2、She hasinterviewed most of the applicants for the job、她已和interview造句1、She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job、她已和大部分申请这份工作的人面谈过。2、We are now going to interview the Minister of E

interview英语造句,1、Case study-The Shell Oil Company Interview experience.案例分析——壳牌石油公司面试经历。2、They contradict what onestaff interview的造句和例句:1. Through staff interviews , data analysis , the satisfaction measurement questionnaire was designed , covering seven dimensions of

Interview造句1.The interviewer asked me a bunch of questions during the interview. 2.At the job interview, I had to explain my skills and qualifications. 3.I wasFor the interview with you! 请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩,期盼与您的面谈!ks.cn.yahoo 4. TV job-hunting might be a good show full of conflict, but sim

interview造句复制1、I felt really nervous before theinterview.(面试前我感到惶恐不安。2、Theinterviewwas recorded and then transcribed.(采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。3、Severinterview造句如下:1、record of appraisal interviewa.2、visa application interview form a.3、method of inter


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