
press ahead with,press on

large 2024-01-03 14:05 749 墨鱼

press ahead with,press on

Press Ahead with the Innovation Governance of the Belt and Road Judicial authorities urged to press ahead with Hrant Dink murder case Press ahead with funding biopress ahead/on (with something) to continue doing something in a determined way; to hurry forwardThe company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse.“Should we stop her

∩﹏∩ 1、We activelypress ahead withthe "infrastructure" development plan. 2、We shouldpress ahead withenergy conservation and environmental protection. 3press ahead with sth.的用法和样例:例句Kennedy decided to go ahead with the plan. 肯尼迪决定把计划继续进行下去。She'll see to it that he goes ahe

press ahead with sth [] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供词组级别第9级基本释义(不顾困难地)继续进行参考例句We must press ahead with the reform in all areas resolutely1. 积极推进各项配套改革口译词汇—中国政治积极推进各项配套改革press ahead with all the supportive reforms基本国策the basic state policy blog.163|

(*?↓˙*) flagman ahead───前方旗手gates ahead───前方大门双语使用场景Since world gender equality is far from being realized, we will press ahead with this great prdeparture.我们需要加紧前进,在日落前回到营地。尽管我们的经理离开了,我们还是决定继续推进这个项目。Despite meeting many obstacles, they press ahead with their task. 尽


标签: press on



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