

werecoming中文翻译 2023-12-03 14:03 966 墨鱼


∪▽∪ coming (n.) late 13c., verbal noun fromcome(v.). From mid-15c. as a past participle adjective. 双语例句1. Most of my patients welcome thecomingof summer. 我的大..ing coming是什么意思,coming怎么读语音:英音[ˈkʌmɪŋ] 美音[ˈkʌmɪŋ] coming 基本解释adj.即将到来的;下一个的;将要遭到报应;自食恶果n.(尤指新事物的)到来;到达

we'recoming读为[w??(r)] ['k?m??]“往…那里去”的原文是将来完成时动词,表示众人已经在进行(were coming)的行动。所以4:39说,门徒举目向田观看,众人正…zgggz|基于1 个网页例句释义:全部,在进

怎么了?Fortunately for you, a couple of guides were coming down the glacier and saw you were in trouble. What were you doing?───您很幸运,几个导游从冰川上下来,Yes, I'm coming. 啊,我就来。I can't say whether he is coming or not. 我说不上他来不来。I'm not coming back up here. Never, for love nor money. 我

你来啦用英语怎么说你来啦的英文:You are here here 读法英[hɪə] 美[hɪr] 1、adv. 在这里;此时2、int. 嘿!喂!3、n. 这里短语:1、out here (老远)到这里;即将离开读音英['kʌmɪŋ] 美['kʌmɪŋ]释义adj. 即将到来的;接着的;前途有望的n. 来到;到达v. 来(come的ing形式)短语coming out

He called her up one day and said that he and his wife were coming to New York 有一天,他给她打电话,说他和妻子要来纽约。It's past the appointed time. Maybe he isn美[ˈkʌmɪŋ] 英['kʌmɪŋ] n.来临adj.即将发生的;下一个的v.“come”的现在分词网络来了;即将到来的;到来复数:comings 搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. coming year


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