
hang out造句,make an invitation造句

go to the doctor造句 2023-02-12 07:31 129 墨鱼
go to the doctor造句

hang out造句,make an invitation造句

1、We shouldhang out. 2、Theyhang outthe flags. 3、hang outflag half high 4、Theyhang outa lot. 5、Would you like tohang outtonight? 6、Maybe we canhhang out造句1、Would you like to hang out tonight?你今晚要不要一起出去逛逛?2、Hang out after school.放学后一起玩。3、I think we should hang out today.我想我们今

IwasworriedIbeabletohangmywashingout. 我担心自己没法把洗好的衣服晾出去。2. Ioftenusedtohangoutinsupermarkets. 我过去经常在超市里逛个没完。3. Wecan词组hang out是一个非常令人喜欢的词组,它表示出去放松,闲逛,正适合我们五一劳动节假日生活的描述,我们可以学习这个例句:We will hang out after school.以上是关于out的常用词

hang out 的造句1. We can just hang out and have a good time. 我们可以只是闲逛一下,开开心。2. I often used to hang out in supermarkets. 我过去经常在超市里逛个没单词hangout 例句大全,用单词hangout造句:This is our favoritehangout. 这儿是我们最喜欢的去处。Your onlyhangoutis Chinatown. 你只在唐人街转悠。Theirhangoutwas a g

↓。υ。↓ Hang out 1.闲逛,轻松地玩e.g I wanna hang out with Bill after school.2.Let it all hang out. 让这一切顺其自然。3.please help me hang these clothes out ihang out for造句Just me and my dadhanging out for1 0 days 只有我和我爸爸一起渡过了10天Our supplies willhang out foronly a week 我们的贮备只能再维持一周了。Yeah


标签: make an invitation造句



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