
relate用法,relate in

relate to后面接什么 2023-09-19 18:51 959 墨鱼
relate to后面接什么

relate用法,relate in

v.+n. history relate,story relate 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义relate. 显示所有例句v. 1. 联系;使有联系;把…联系起来show or make a connection between two or moRelate最常见的用法是做分词修饰名词,比如a process related to growth and development。这种在名词后面添加分词的做法会让句子变得很长,又复杂又抽象,不过这就是托福阅读想要实现

I found it difficult torelatethe two ideas in my mind. 我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。牛津词典In the future, pay increases will berelatedto productivity. 以Relate to的用法▲1.讲述,叙述后接名词或从句(tell sth to sb) 例如:孩子们喜欢向来客们讲述他们幻想中的冒险故事。The children enjoyed relating their imaginary advent

回答:简明英汉词典relate [ri??leit] vt. & vi. (把…联系起来His remarks didn't relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关。vtrelate用法relate可以用作动词relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其

?▽? relate 相联系,相关re-,向后,往回,lat,拿,带,词源同translate,prelate.即带回来,引申词系联系,相关。英文词源relate relate: [16] Something that is related to something else is etymologic(relate的基础用法) i can't relate those two ideas. 我很难把这两种想法联系起来。it is difficult to relate the two cases. 要把那两件事联系起来是很困


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