

annoying造句简单 2023-12-04 20:11 227 墨鱼


在这里,我们来探讨一下如何用“mess”这个单词造句。1. He made a mess of the kitchen.他把厨房弄得一片狼藉。2. This room is such a mess!这个房间太乱了!3. Don't mesmess造句复制1、It's a completemess!' she groaned.(“这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。2、Dad will give us hell when he sees thatmess.(爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂

一、卷面 二、内容要求 三、文章结构 四、遣词造句接下来,我会站在阅卷老师的角度分别从这用will造句一、陈述句1、You will now maintain radio silence 现在请保持无线电静默2、You will do as I request, if you please 请按我的要求做3、You will not make jokes a

mess造句1、It's a completemess!' she groaned.(“这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。2、Dad will give us hell when he sees thatmess.(爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂我们的。3、This room's iTeddy:Yes.You have to stand up and say,”You can’t mess with me.I’m Alice Wheezheimer!”Alice:Wartheimer! Teddy:That’s the fire I’m looking for

用mess造句挺难的Your room is in a mess , please tidy it up .你的房间那么乱,收拾一下吧。There were fights every day in the mess room .餐厅里几乎每天都有人打架。S4、Look at this mess! 5、Dude, don't mess this up.- Mess what up? 6、They are at mess now. 7、My hair's a real mess! 8、Tom is making a mess. 9、m


标签: mess的例句



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