
be fond of,promote

to be fond of 2023-11-07 22:45 620 墨鱼
to be fond of

be fond of,promote

be fond of 读音汉语翻译喜爱,爱好例句:Hewas fond ofcelery. 他喜欢吃芹菜。He makes a great show ofbeing fond ofher in front of other people but he's only toyia fond adv. 彻底地,充分地be fond of bottle 贪杯,爱喝酒,嗜饮fond dream 黄粱美梦be fond of the bottle 好酒贪杯,喜欢杯中物相似单词fond adj. 1.喜欢的,宠爱

 ̄□ ̄|| be fond of后面可以加名词、代词以及动名词。意思是爱好、喜爱。常见搭配有:be fond of+doing,对做某事感兴趣;be fond of+名词,喜欢某物(事);be fond of+代词,喜欢某人,Get chance to be able to try to be fond of looking at "Holmes probing series story " this book this time , let me feel very happy. 这次有机会能好好看看《福尔摩斯

be fond of基本解释,爱好;喜爱,同近be fond of相关例句和用法President Bush used to be fond of saying that American troops would stay in Iraq as long as needed and not anot be fond of certain food—吃不来be very fond of—钟爱也可见:fond of—喜好· 爱好· 嗜fond形—形· 喜爱形· 喜欢的形· (愿望)不切实际的形·

be fond of的意思、解释be fond of 基本解释动词疼;喜爱,爱好;待见be fond of 网络解释1. be fond of是什么意思1. 喜欢:focus sth. on 把集中在上| 327. be fo访问沪江小D查看be fond of的更多详细解释> 参考例句The Prefect was fond of the cant of diplomacy.这位警察局长很爱好外交辞令。This is a fond plan.这是个愚蠢的计划


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