

关于天气晴朗的英语作文 2023-08-25 13:26 610 墨鱼


13.It's extremely hot and muggy. 天气非常炎热闷人。34、Lovely day [weather], isn"t it?天气真好,是吗?35、It"s beginning to rain.开始下雨了。36、The rain has stopped.雨停了。37、It"s clearing up.天

(=`′=) 在英语中,我们通常用it is 句型来讨论天气。常用的表达:It is + adjective 或者It is + verb-ing It is + adjective = 对天气的描述It is sunny today. It's hot and humid toda写作思路及要点:围绕天气预报。Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . B

天气的描述英语作文1 Shanghai lies in the south of China. In spring, the weather is changeable. Sometimes it's very cold, sometimes it's very warm. I天气英语作文篇1 Let's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours.Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twen

关于天气的描述英语作文(10 篇) 一:天气的单词:overcast, cloudy, rainy, clear, sunny, snowy, hail. etc. clear turning to cloudy, cloudy turning to clear(晴转多云,多云转晴) 天气weathe天气的描述英语作文篇1 Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy. Bad weather makes pe


标签: 用英文写一则天气预报



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