
think sb sth,think sth to be

what is thought的用法 2023-09-24 15:32 629 墨鱼
what is thought的用法

think sb sth,think sth to be

四、think+it+形容词/ 名词+(for sb)to do sth / that 从句,表示“认为某人做某事怎么样“,it 是形式宾语,for sb)to do sth 即不定式的复合结构或that damn sb/sth with faint praise: 用冷漠的赞扬贬低;寓贬于褒;名褒实贬to praise sb/sth only a little, in order to show that you do not really like them/it verb: [V+N]

我认为帮助需要帮助的人是我们的责任.五、think sb / sth (to be) sth 及sb / sth be thought to be sth / to do sth 1.We all thought her (to be) very intelligent.She w◎ think可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。① 用作及物动词,表示“想,思考”。I think (that)she should go there. 我想她该去那里。② 用作及物动词,表示

∪^∪ What do you think of sb/sth?你认为…怎么样?I always think of her as cool and mysterious.我总是认为她很酷,很神秘。think about 考虑I will think about your suggestion2. 想起觉得初二下册英语知识归纳as a result of=because of 因为由于think of sb/sth想起觉得think about sb/sth 考虑zhidao.baidu|基于1 个网页必应

think about/of sb/sth 1、考虑到;关心;替…着想Don't you ever think about other people? 难道你就从来没有考虑过别人?2、考虑,打算(做某事) She's thinking of changing her jobthink of sth/sb 1、想象到;对…有想法When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular.我说那话时,并没有想到任何具体的⼈。2、想出;构思出Can anybody t

3. think sb/sth is good enough 认为某人/某物够好[T] to decide that someone has the necessary skill or intelligence for a particular job, course etcthink little [nothing] of 轻视,满不在乎;对毫不考虑,毫不踌躇think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视long for渴望,切望think better of sb. 对某人印象好;看重某人thi


标签: think sth to be



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