describe 显示所有例句 v. 1. 描述;形容;把…称为to say what sb/sth is like 2. ~ sth 沿…形状移动;画出…图形;形成…形状to make a movement which has a particular shap...
12-27 412
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describe a building you like,describe a piece of local news
If you visit Macao someday, this building definitely should be at the top of your must-see list. 语言点解析:a bird's-eye view (of something)例如:a view of something frDescribe a building you like. You should say: where it is; what it is used for; how you know about this building; and explain why you like this bui
?△? beautiful appearance appeals many students. It looks like a letter ‘W’with the blue and grey color. Students always call it ‘W’building.首先来看一道真题。Describe a building you like. You should say: Where it is What it is used for What it looks like And explain why you like or dislike it 关于建筑类话
如果抽到describe a buildingyou like/dislike,很多同学都会感到万箭穿心,心如死灰,灰头土脸,脸不知道往哪搁…其实只要把握了如下几个方面,就不愁无话可说了:01 which building 本期口语part 2话题为:Describe a building you like.(喜欢的建筑)友情提示:想要在雅思口语考试临场不慌,除了多参加几次雅思口语考试外,更重要的是多听多模仿多练习。Describe a bu
o(?""?o Describe a building you like You should say: Where it is What it is used for What it looks like And explain why you like or dislike it 参考范文:When I was on vacation 9-12月雅思口语考试预测范文-Describe a building you like? You should say: where it is what it is used for how you know about this building and explain
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting 喜欢的公共建筑/喜欢参观的公共建筑思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真Describe a building you like You should say: Where it is What it is used for What it looks like And explain why you like or dislike it 参考范文:When I was on vac
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标签: describe a piece of local news
describe 显示所有例句 v. 1. 描述;形容;把…称为to say what sb/sth is like 2. ~ sth 沿…形状移动;画出…图形;形成…形状to make a movement which has a particular shap...
12-27 412
摘要:分享最新雅思口语part2地点类话题Describe a historical building in your country or city that you know考试参考范文和语料,描述你的国家或者城市的一座历史建筑。部分人应...
12-27 412
如何下载 Mac 版 App 打开App Store App。 浏览或搜索你要下载的 App。 点按价格或“获取”按钮。如果你看到“打开”按钮而不是价格或“获取”按钮,则表示你...
12-27 412
Mac电脑上压缩软件很多,但是最具代表性的还是FastZip,最为突出的特点就是压缩速度快,安全性也很强,支持所有格式的解压。App Store可以免费下载。6.Typora 非常好用的Markdown编辑器,文本编辑...
12-27 412
使用“软件更新”来为 macOS 以及内建 App(包括 Safari 浏览器)安装更新和升级。 使用“软件更新” 在安装新的软件之前,最好先备份你的 Mac。如果你有外置储存设备,则可以通过它来...
12-27 412