我喜欢吃汉堡包作文 篇1 我喜欢吃汉堡包,在我的心中,汉堡包是我的最爱。 汉堡包里夹着一块炸鸡肉,两片有花边的青菜,还有两片土豆黄色的面包,还有那诱人的奶油、...
12-02 426
用they造句六年级上册 |
Those 是一个指示代词,用来指代远离说话人的复数名词。例如:Those are my books. (那些是我的书。I don’t like those shoes. (我不喜欢那些鞋。Do you know tNo. What if you add in those modifiers and say * "My favorite sport plays football." No, that doesn't work either. It is not ungrammatical—but it semantically(语义上) u
3.Those elected will serve for two years.当选者任期为两年。4.Those are your hands?那是你的手?用those造句1、Elevenofthosewholeftcollegethisyearareclerkinginauctionstores.今年的大学毕业生中有11人在拍卖行当职员。2.Thosewantingtogo,pleaseputupyourhands.那些
those造句复制1、Do you prefer these designs orthose?(你喜欢这些图样还是那些? 2、Arethosereal flowers?(那些是真花吗? 3、thosechildren are always getting into mthough the proportion of people entering the UK for this purpose was noticeably lower at less than a fifth. (第三大占比数据对比)The proportions of
1 Those are your books on that desk.那些在那张书桌上的是你的书.2 Those are white flowers.那些是白色的花3 Those are young students in the playground(1)微笑微笑让人觉得有亲和力,觉得你自信活泼,在评分中占一定的比重!!!不要板着脸,尤其是小学
4、OBAMA: Well,those—thoseare excellent questions. 5、Those disappeared, andthoseclear eyes. 6、Arethosehalogen lamps? 7、Bethosepaper knives? 8、R单词those 例句大全,用单词those造句:What arethose?Thoseare cups. 那些是什么?那些是茶杯。TothoseI knew andthoseI stll adore. 过去的朋友,至尽我仍旧心怀敬意。Totho
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
标签: those可以组什么句子
我喜欢吃汉堡包作文 篇1 我喜欢吃汉堡包,在我的心中,汉堡包是我的最爱。 汉堡包里夹着一块炸鸡肉,两片有花边的青菜,还有两片土豆黄色的面包,还有那诱人的奶油、...
12-02 426
12-02 426
物流公司报价表 v1.0 可编辑可修改货物体积:方 重量:39 箱*10KG=390KG 发货到江苏省常熟市古里镇 各物流公司报价如下: 1.德邦物流报价:体积 *435 元=元/重量 ...
12-02 426
12-02 426