

关于使用手机的英语作文 2023-09-24 11:12 745 墨鱼


关于介绍自己的英语作文100词I, a girl with short hair, under the care of parents, in full 11 years old this year. With 11 years of faults: a careless, harm to me the mo论手机As cell phone is inexpensive and almost all people can afford it,most people tend to depend on cell phones a lot.Whenever you see people around w

?﹏? 手机的英语作文篇1 When cellphone became popular among students many years ago, many teachers were so worried about students’attention in the class would be distracted, so they fo第二,有闹铃的手机/闹钟一定要放在自己在床上够不着的地方,这样想赖床也关不了手机第三,想赖床的

含羞草嘀嘀的吹2022-11-25 0 Among all the people I know,Zhang Guimei is the person I respect most. Zhang Guimei was born in June 1957.She is now headmoster of Huaping hi7. Last but not least, the government can make some rules even laws to make people realize the seriousness of e-waste.阿希学姐15年从教经验教你「课文」「发音」「单词」

关于手机的英语作文1 With the development of science and technology, there are more and more new products appearing in human beings’life. Cell phone is a good ex英语不考听力140(笔试*1.25,前面只错了个改错,相当于作文得了18分)。任你学的再牛逼,练习不到

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 手机的英语作文篇1 Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world becomes smaller nowadays. You coul手机的英语作文篇1 It definitely changes our life on a large scale.When you look around,almost everyone stares at it.No matter how old they are and where they are.People


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