
right away翻译,at least翻译

right off翻译 2023-01-14 14:59 913 墨鱼
right off翻译

right away翻译,at least翻译

╯▂╰ right away 让我想到中文的“马上”,已经坐在马匹的上面了字面意思与时间也没关系;也许“马1. right away ad.立刻,马上(=immediately) 2. be/stand in awe of sb/hold sb in v.敬畏3. back and forth ad.来回地,反复地4. back off v.后退5. back off (from sth)

right away什么意思,right away翻译基本解释na.: 立刻网络:马上;立即;立即,马上英汉解释在各个方面马上同义词adv.immediatelystraightawayat onceinstantaneouslyriright now 就是现在,马上all right 好;顺利;正确的property right 产权right away 立刻right hand 右手;得力助手in the right 正确;有理;站在正义的一边of right 按照法律o

⊙▂⊙ Not at all.不介意I’ll do it right away.right away = at once = in a minute 动名词的否定式由“not + 动名词”构成Would you mind not doing…请不要…汉语翻译立刻词意辨析:immediately, instantly, presently, directly, shortly, soon, at once, right away 这些副词或副词词组均有“立刻、马上”之意。immediately: 指做

54.rightaway马上It'sgettinglate.Pleaseexcuseme,butImustleaverightaway. 时间不早了。对不起,我得赶紧走了。55.inreturn作为回报Hegavehersomerosesinreturnforherkindnessright away英[rait əˈwei] 美[raɪt əˈwe][释义]就;立刻,马上;当时;例句;You gotta come right away!你得马上跟我来!辨析right away

right away主要用于美国英语,语气稍弱于at once,强调动作迅速。directly和immediately同义,指毫无迟疑。soon常用词,指行动快,完成速度快。at once口语中常用,语气强烈,指Right away; quickly. 英美立刻;赶快分享单词到:


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