
fussy drink

fussy eaters 2023-08-28 13:21 156 墨鱼
fussy eaters

fussy drink

1. A. The woman is fussy about the cleanness of the apartment. B. He has not cleaned the apartment since his mother's visit. C. He does not rememberdrinks───n.饮料,饮品;喝酒(drink复数) gin drinks───杜松子酒drinks up───喝完drinks milk───喝牛奶iced drinks───加冰饮料fountain drinks───喷泉式

1. A) The woman is fussy about the cleanness of the apartment, B) He has not cleaned the apartment since his mother’s visit. C) He does not rememberwhen the rent is so cheap they can’t afford to walk away. Hey, maybe I’ll become one of those ne’er-do-well out-of-state landlords I’ve heard so much about. Perhaps the Casa del

露露今天去七十一便利店买饮料的时候,无意间看到了冰柜上摆着各式各样的果汁饮品,一般都为圆柱形的纤细透明身瓶,透着一股小清新,很适合爱喝果汁的你饭后休闲时美英un.果汗饮料网络果汁饮料;水果露;水果饮品英汉网络释义un. 1. 果汗饮料下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone Android


43.D on't be fussy with your food. 不要挑食。44.H old the spoon with one hand and the bowl with the other. 一手拿勺,一手扶碗。45.N o talking. Don't talk. Stop tcup beaker 2 : If you eat like a horse, what does it mean? You are on a diet. You eat a lot. You are a vegetarian. You are a fussy eater. 3 : What do we call a li


标签: fizzy drink



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