

atmospheric 怎么读 2023-12-30 20:39 562 墨鱼
atmospheric 怎么读


7、atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude and so does the density of the atmosphere.(大气压力随高度增加而降低,大气密度也随着高度增加而降低。8Atmospheric conditions often prevent observation of stars.大气的情况常使人们无法观察星星。The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule

atmospheric composition造句1、Design of sun tracking system for FTIR monitoring of atmospheric composition 2、work environment:set of conditions unAtmospheric conditions often prevent observation of stars. 大气的情况常使人们无法观察星星。The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes

2、The influence of the atmospheric aerosol on local and regional atmospheric conditions is readily appreciated. 3、Abrasion tests are universally cadj.大气的;大气层的;令人激动的;使人动感情的网络空气的;有…气氛的;大气所引起的搭配同义词adj.+n. atmospheric chemistry,atmospheric gas,atmospheric drag,atmosphe

单词atmosphere 例句大全,用单词atmosphere造句:In addition, intense gonging and drumming produces a heated and jubilant atmosphere.再配以激越的锣鼓,渲染了热烈欢腾的atmospheric的翻译atmospheric 相关例句形容词1. That music's very atmospheric. 这个音乐很有气氛。2. Atmospheric conditions often prevent observation of stars.

╯▽╰ atmospheric造句复制1、atmosphericpressure, which changes with the phases of the moon, can also affect the taste.(随月球运行周期的改变而改变的大气压力也会影响到I love the beautiful,atmosphericmusic. 我喜欢这优美的、有情调的音乐。展开更多情景例句I can modify itsatmosphericcomposition to human compatibility. 我能改造它的大气结


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