
用like doing sth造句子,soundlike加名词造句

like sth造句 2023-12-25 10:08 715 墨鱼
like sth造句

用like doing sth造句子,soundlike加名词造句

如:I like to go swimming with my friends on Sundays.我喜欢在周日和朋友们去游泳。(表达一种习惯)2、like doing sth 喜欢做某事(侧重表达通常喜欢做的事,4. be averse to sth / doing sth; have an aversion to sth 特别不喜欢做某事I feel like there’s nothing I can do about my aversion to flying.(不喜欢做飞机) 好了,这么表达

两个固定搭配都是喜欢的意思,但“like doing sth.”表示的是你日常喜欢的事,长时间的兴趣爱好,而“like to do sth.”则不同,展现的是你一时的喜好,也就是你当下Stop thief!造句stop to do sth造句doing组词造句be busy doing sth.造句feel like doing造句go on doing造句keep doing sth造句keep doing sth.造句stop doing sth.造句used to doing s

like mad造句like to造句doing组词造句be busy doing sth.造句go on doing造句keep doing sth造句keep doing sth.造句stop doing sth造句stop doing sth.造句used to1. I like doing my homework.我喜欢做我的家庭作业。2. I like doing clay work.喜欢制作陶器。3. I feel like doing something tonight.今天晚上我特想干点什

Nowadays,it is common to ___. Many people like ___ because ___. Besides,_.5. 任何18. feel like doing sth 想要做某事I feel like eating bananas. 我想要吃香蕉。19. would like to do sth 想要做某事Would you like to go rowing with me? 你想要和我一起去

≥ω≤ 一、V.+不定式(而非doing,作宾语)的常用搭配afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do(2)“like doing ”表示爱好例:I like watching TV . 我喜欢看电视。Do you like singing ? 你喜欢唱歌吗就只有这么多啦4. 英语造句I like reading the book which m


标签: soundlike加名词造句



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