
went past,绘本题目及对应图片

past ten 2023-10-14 12:09 277 墨鱼
past ten

went past,绘本题目及对应图片

(past participle) If you aren’t sure whether to use gone or went, remember that gone always needs an auxiliary verb before it (has, have, had, is,Passed is the past participle of the verb to pass, meaning to move on or ahead; proceed. It can function as both a transitive and intransitive verb

6. In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult. 过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。7. As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume. 她走过go past是“经过某地、某人或某物,时间流逝”的意思。例如:He went past the shop in his car. 他开车经过了那个商店。Several months went past before we met up again. 几个月

" We need one more, "said Trudy.Just then the man went past. "Help us, please, "yelled Hans. "The dyke is leaking." "No, I'm in a hurry, "said the man. Chip把袋子拖到岸一、本义:经过、路过She waved as she drove past. 她开车经过的时候挥了挥手She went past Tom's house. 她走过了汤姆的房子go past经过;路过| Walk two blocks down the stre

(=`′=) went past发音意思翻译打旁边走过去相似词语短语went at───攻击;着手干recent past───最近antepast───过去的ran past───跑了过去(ran是run的过去式);9. Went over。10. Went past。11. Went through。12. Went to。13. Went up。14. Went with。15. Went out。16. Went about。17. Went beyond。18. Went into。19


标签: 绘本题目及对应图片



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