

九年级英语12单元3a翻译 2023-08-25 23:11 451 墨鱼


(ˉ▽ˉ;) 新目标人教版八年级英语上册第七单元教学设计与反思江西省湖口县城山中学王树圆How do you make a banana milk shake 一、教学目标1、重点词汇peel cut up 参考答案Ⅰ.1.future 2.pollution3.environment 4.space 5.disagree 6.apartment7.shapes 8.inside 9.believe 10.possible Ⅱ.11.fewer 12.more 13.less; more 14.fewer 15

人教版八年级上册英语课本答案> 人教版八年级上册英语课本Unit7答案Section A 1b Circed:1,2,5,4 2a Circed:1.more 2.less 3.fewer 4.less 5.fewer 2b Ciecked:2,5 3a 1.le八上英语第一单元sectionb2b仿写作文九年级全一册英语第一单元第8页3b英语作文?It was sunny yesterday. I was very busy. I got up very early and then I took a walk with my m

第三模块围绕“New Year’s Resolution Survey Results”这一话题展开阅读( 3a)和写作(3b -3c)训练;第四模块以Clean and Green为话题展开小组活动。三、Sel8、es,5. heavy storms,3. 1975- junko tabei from japan was the first woman to reach the top,3b,3. hard snow,6. hard to breathe,3. the highest and is the most famous,2. v

参考答案:1. A 2. C 3. B 教学反思教师一定要想办法使阅读课变得生动有趣,并且教授给学生一定的阅读策略。另外,掌握住“practice makes perfect”的原则,使学生在人教版英语八上册教案一、教学目标:1、目标语言重点词汇:1,want somebody to do 2. be good for 3.pretty healthy 4.my eating habit 4.try to do 5.two or three times a week 6


标签: 九年级英语12单元单词朗读



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