

自我介绍对话版 2022-12-25 13:34 257 墨鱼


+^+ 关于介绍自己的英语对话1 A: May I introduce myself: Wang Tong, I am from China. A: 请允许我做自我介绍:我叫王同,我来自中国。B: How do you do, Wang Tong? My name is Bai 自我介绍简单英语对话Introduction Conversation 1 A: Excuse me, are you Miss Green? B: Yes. A: I’m a new student in the school. My name’s John. B: Nice to meet you, John. A: It’s a

英语口语对话自我介绍1 A: Guten Tag! B: Guten Tag! A: Was für ein sch?nes M?dchen! B: Ja.,genau.Danke. A: Wie hei?t du? B: Ich bin Melina. A: Es freut mich dich zu kenn自我介绍的常见英语对话1. Its a pleasure for me to be here today to introduce myself. 今天我很荣幸能在这里介绍我自己。例句说明此句话是公众场合自我介绍的谦虚

英语自我介绍性格描写具有上进心1、Ambitious attitudeessential.有雄心壮志。2、Bright,aggressive students反应快、有进取心的学生。3、Mature,self-motivated and strong in英文介绍自己的对话【一】1 . 我是一个富有幻想,想着美好与幸福;爱好音乐,爱它那美妙的旋律;喜欢快乐,不爱哭的女孩。2 . 女施主,请不要在贫僧面前晃悠,否则佛祖不会放过你的。3

˙▂˙ hi, my name is Sarah, i am gradutaed from Nanyang Instituta of Techonology, and i am 26 years old. but I am single, i hope to be the friends to you all自我介绍的二人英语对话一A:OK, Hello! 你好!B:Hello! 你好!A:Hi, what's your name? 嗨,请问你叫什么?B:Yeah, my name is Nanju. 嗨,我叫Nanju。A:Nanju. Nanju, how

˙﹏˙ 英语口语对话自我介绍篇1 I have been working in ABC company for the past two years as a computer engineer. I've just graduated from ABC University. I was an accounting【英语自我介绍对话2】M: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith. I’d like you to meet my girl friend, Sally. W: Hello, Sally, I’m glad to meet you. M: It’s a


标签: 介绍自己的英语对话两人



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