
初次见面 英文,初见的英文简短的

见面的高级表达英语 2023-09-27 16:29 139 墨鱼

初次见面 英文,初见的英文简短的

“初次见面”的英文:,nice to meet you meet 读法英[miːt] 美[mit]1、vt. 满足;遇见;对付2、vi. 相遇;接触3、n. 集会4、adj. 合适的;适宜初次见面的英文:to see somebody for the first time 参考例句:The two lawyers had an argument at their very first meeting. 这两名律师初次见面就辩论起来。I guess sometimes

初次见面,印象最深。I first met him way back in the fifties. 我和他初次见面是在五十年代的事。The two lawyers had an argument at their very first m你好(初次见面用语)的英文:hello,nice to meet you meet 读法英[miːt] 美[mit] 1、vt. 满足;遇见;对付2、vi. 相遇;接触3、n. 集会4、adj. 合适的;适宜

初次见面英语对话一a. good morning, how are you? 早上好,你好吗?b. fine, thank you. and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?a. i'm fine. are you a new comer to the class? 我也不沪江词库精选初次见面的英文怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息to see somebody for the first time 相似短语agree with somebody 同意某人的意见killing by somebody 【法】他杀somebo

I've heard a lot about you.(久闻大名) Glad to meet you.或Pleased to meet you.来替代Nice to meet you初次见面的英文:to see somebody for the first time 参考例句:The two lawyers had an argument at their very first meeting. 这两名律师初次见面就辩论起


标签: 初见的英文简短的



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