
external例句,end up例句

intermediate造句 2024-01-04 11:21 955 墨鱼

external例句,end up例句

双语例句1.Externalbroadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere. 英国花费在对外广播上的财力高于其他国家。来自柯林斯例句2. The developing countries bear the burden权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义external 显示所有例句adj. 1. 外部的;外面的connected with or located on the outside of sth/sb 2. 外界的;外来的;在外的happening or

11、“External balance”(measures theexternalindebtedness of the country); 12、externaltwo-channel radiotelemetrical detector 13、Sustainable growtThe engine is external to the boat. 发动机在船舷之外。external的用法例句1. External broadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere

external翻译external翻译是:外部的释义:adj. 外部的;表面的;药] 外用的;外国的;外面的n. 外部;外观;外面例句:The workers repaired theexternalwall of the stadium双语例句编辑用作形容词(adj.)外部的,外面的All his injuries are external. 他受的伤都是外伤。外界的,外来的They did it in response to external pre

˙^˙ 实用场景例句全部外面的外部的表面上的外用的外部外面外观the Minister of State forExternalAffairs 外交大臣牛津词典The building has been restoredexternally例句:But a common external tariff exists for non-EEC countries. 但是对非欧共体的国家则实行统一的对外税则。表面的例句:And it's a superficial, fo

例句:the country`s minister of external affairs.该国的外交部长n.(名词)An exterior part or surface.外部:外部或外在的表面externals externals Outer circumstances.外external ordering 外次序You have to take orders. 你必须服从命令。The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位An inactive o


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